Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Global Agenda or The Sexuality of Organization

The Global Agenda

Author: Charles W Kegley

A reader by top scholars; The Global Agenda is incisive in its coverage of key concepts, issues and theoretical and prescriptive approaches to the interpretation of world politics. The readings in this top selling book are broad based, balanced, and are categorized into four areas that build on the distinction between high and low politics.

Interesting book: Japanese Light or Dinner for Eight

The Sexuality of Organization

Author: Peta Tancred Sheriff

"The book contains interesting insights and useful empirical material. . . . The two most significant [themes] for the future development of organizational theory are the relationship between sexuality, gender, and power and the way the public and private aspects of identity relate to the structuring of work and society. The gook succeeds in illustrating how complex these relationships are and how well-dominant thought systems have succeeded in veiling them from sight." --Organization Studies "This book bravely goes where few have gone before. I found this a challenging book with ideas both familiar and new. . . . This book is an important read in the area and I do strongly recommend it. One of the difficulties we have as women in organizations is unpicking the complex nature of a territory set up by male concepts and principles. While we are working in such territory it is hard to take a step back and analyze what is going on, for we are too busy attempting to survive and succeed. This book gives us some clues and gives us a chance to review some of our strategies." --Women in Organizations & Management "This book provides valuable insights into hidden sexual dynamics in the workplace. Although most of the examples provided are from private, profit-making organizations, the same issues apply to social service organizations, which frequently are dominated by men and are infused with patriarchal assumptions, yet rely on women to implement policies." --Administration in Social Work "Clearly achieves its aim of demonstrating the pervasiveness of sexuality in organizations. I found each of the chapters highly illuminating. The book is stimulating and challenges a number of 'safe'assumptions about sexuality and gender relations. It will be useful to both those readers interested in organizational theory generally and those who wish to dip into particular chapters that are aligned to their research interests. A thorough consideration of the role of sexuality within organizations is a brave, stimulating and crucial addition to the field of organizational theory." --The Occupational Psychologist "Sexuality has been the blindspot of organization studies. A book such as this, written from within organization theory by feminist women and pro-feminist men, is an important move. It reminds us that the sexual regime, as much as unequal jobs and pay, keeps down women at work. And it makes wonderfully clear that a multinational or a trade union is no more 'sexless' than the bedroom, the pub, or the movies." --Cynthia Cockburn, City University, London "Here is a superb collection of essays studying sexuality in organizations. The editors have not only broken the conventional silence but through sound editing practice have produced a coherent and stimulating text." --David Knights, Manchester School of Management, UMIST "This volume is especially significant in indicating the complexity of the relationship between sex, gender and organization and is valuable in its suggestiveness for further and deeper research. Pointedly, it raises the question of the sexual neutrality of the past development of organizational theory." --Organizations & Occupations Newsletter (of the American Sociological Association) "An excellent introduction to a new and rapidly expanding area of study." --Sociology "The authors of this reader focus on issues well recognized in everyday life but only recently investigated in academic publications. The Sexuality of Organization would be very worthwhile reading for those people interested in organization studies, labor relations, women's studies, and studies on gender." --Contemporary Sociology "A welcome contribution to organizational theory and the conceptualization of sexual difference . . . raises questions concerning how sexuality is constructed across organizations and at different levels within the organizations. The authors do not try to replace one master narrative with another but, rather, allow each contribution to speak for itself and engage in a dialogue with one another. Should find an eager audience among feminist scholars interested in sexuality, organizations, and power." --Journal of the History of Sexuality "I can only imagine the discussions that might take place in colleges of education and school organizations where this book, or even a few chapters of it, was shared reading. In light of the pervasiveness of sexuality and the serious implications of its frank exposure this topic has been hidden too long; the authors of The Sexuality of Organization are to be applauded for their serious and daring discussion." --Educational Administration Quarterly "A major strength of this book is the breadth of issues treated and the variety of disciplines represented by the contributors. Provocative analyses challenge existing assumptions in organizational research. . . . A bold and articulate invitation to legitimate sexuality as a serious topic for organizational scholarship." --Contemporary Psychology "This slim volume provides an excellent introduction to a new and rapidly expanding area of study." --Sociology (Journal of the British Sociological Association) "Provides a number of insights for organisational theorists. Perhaps the main strength of this collection is its focus on organisational as well as individual aspects of sexual behaviour, including both sexual harassment and non-harassing sexual activity. The book is particularly welcome given the preliminary nature of research in this area." --Industrial Relations Journal "The chapters . . . are interesting and insightful, combining rigorous theory with perceptive research. . . . Individual authors have linked their work to each other's, the papers are arranged in a logical sequence . . . and the editors provide a useful preface to each one and a postscript drawing the volume to a close. . . . Collectively these writers demonstrate the pervasiveness of heterosexuality within organizations and its interconnections with gender and power. . . . In identifying the centrality of sexuality to the ways in which organizations function, this book forges connections between organizational theory and theorizations of sexuality which are not made in existing literature. It thus begins to break new ground." --Cultural Studies "The contributions are broadly successful in demonstrating the ubiquity, centrality and complex subtleties of the operation of sexuality in organisations, particularly, of course, in its articulation with processes of power. . . . This paper is replete with insight and is bold in its level of generalisation. . . It is difficult to see that there is any excuse for this text not becoming required reading on any course of study purporting to analyse organisations, or, indeed, sexuality for that matter." --Reviewing Sociology "Chapters by Burrel, Hearn, Mills, and Tancred-Sheriff clearly demonstrate the relevance, pervasiveness, and importance of sexuality in the theories and practice of organization, production, labor process, and management, organizational culture theory is analyzed and critiqued in light of sexuality and gender rules. . . . Given traditions in which sexuality was considered unimportant and ignored, readers with organizational/management backgrounds will be struck by the pervasiveness and power of sexuality in organizations. The authors make a strong argument of the relevance of sexuality to the theory and practice of organizations. Management professionals should find the chapters focusing on lesbian workers, women managers, and secretaries particularly helpful in increasing awareness and sensitivity to the experiences and concerns of these groups of workers. . . . Those who serve as consultants to industry or management may find that the essays provide a perspective that can help them understand their organizational/management clients' concerns and point of view. Professionals who provide sexuality related consultin

Table of Contents:
The Sexuality of Organization - Gibson Burrell and Jeff Hearn Gender, Sexuality and Organization Theory - Albert J Mills Gender, Sexuality and the Labour Process - Peta Tancred-Sheriff Sexuality in the Workplace - Barbara A Gutek
Key Issues in Social Research and Organizational Practice Sexuality in the Workplace - Nancy DiTomaso
Discrimination and Harassment Sexuality in the Workplace - David L Collinson and Margaret Collinson
The Domination of Men's Sexuality Private Experiences in the Public Domain - Wendy Parkin
Sexuality and Residential Care Organizations Private Experiences in the Public Domain - Marny Hall
Lesbians in Organizations Organizations, Power and Sexuality - Deborah L Sheppard
The Image and Self-Image of Women Managers Bureaucracy, Rationality and Sexuality - Rosemary Pringle
The Case of Secretaries The Sexuality of Organization - The Editors
A Postcript

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