Saturday, December 6, 2008

Marketing Management and Becoming a Helper

Marketing Management

Author: Kotler

Kotler/Keller is the gold standard in the marketing management discipline because it continues to reflect the latest changes in marketing theory and practice.

Topics covered include brand equity, customer value analysis, database marketing, e-commerce, value networks, hybrid channels, supply chain management, segmentation, targeting, positioning, and integrated marketing communications.

For marketing professionals who place special emphasis to creativity and imagination in marketing management.

Table of Contents:

Pt. 1Understanding Marketing Management1
Ch. 1Defining Marketing for the Twenty-First Century1
Ch. 2Adapting Marketing to the New Economy33
Ch. 3Building Customer Satisfaction, Value, and Retention59
Pt. 2Analyzing Marketing Opportunities89
Ch. 4Winning Markets Through Market-Oriented Strategic Planning89
Ch. 5Gathering Information and Measuring Market Demand122
Ch. 6Scanning the Marketing Environment158
Ch. 7Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior182
Ch. 8Analyzing Business Markets and Business Buying Behavior215
Ch. 9Dealing with the Competition241
Ch. 10Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Target Markets278
Pt. 3Developing Market Strategies307
Ch. 11Positioning and Differentiating the Market Offering Through the Product Life Cycle307
Ch. 12Developing New Ma rket Offerings348
Ch. 13Designing Global Market Offerings383
Pt. 4Shaping the Market Offering406
Ch. 14Setting the Product and Branding Strategy406
Ch. 15Designing and Managing Services443
Ch. 16Developing Price Strategies and Programs470
Pt. 5Managing and Delivering Marketing Programs503
Ch. 17Designing and Managing Value Networks and Marketing Channels503
Ch. 18Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Market Logistics534
Ch. 19Managing Integrated Marketing Communications563
Ch. 20Managing Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, and Direct Marketing589
Ch. 21Managing the Sales Force637
Ch. 22Managing the Total Marketing Effort665

See also: Microeconomics and The Serving Leader

Becoming a Helper

Author: Marianne Schneider Corey

Ideal for anyone embarking on or considering a career in human services, counseling, psychology, social work, or any of the other helping professions, this book provides an overview of the stages of the helping process, as well as the skills and knowledge required to be a successful helping professional. Drawing on their years of experience, the Coreys focus on the struggles, anxieties, and uncertainties one encounters on the road to becoming an effective helper. The book emphasizes self-reflection on a number of professional issues and challenges the reader to examine their motives for choosing a helping career, and takes a candid look at the demands and strains they'll face in the helping professions.

Table of Contents:

1. Are the Helping Professions for You? 2. Getting the Most From Your Education and Training. 3. Helper Know Thyself. 4. Common Concerns of Beginning Helpers. 5. Theory Applied to Practice. 6. The Helping Process. 7. Understanding Diversity. 8. Knowing Your Values. 9. Ethical and Legal Issues Facing Helpers. 10. Managing Boundary Issues. 11. Working in the Community. 12. Working with Groups. 13. Stress and Burnout and Self-Care. References and Reading List. Name Index. Subject Index.

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